Current Versions of Rules and Revisions

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Current OCC Rules - This is the entire set of OCC Rules. There are some general provisions covering golf in the main body of the rules but no changes were proposed with the exception of the Fee Schedule (not the amounts, just organization and presentation). The Golf Rules are found in Appendix B.

Latest Revision - This is the resulting version of the review process from the first meeting. Corrects some minor issues and highlights issues the committee will address. If there are others, please let the committee know.

Starting Revision - Includes the last proposal made to Board in 2022 and starts with a change log before the actual start of the rules. There were over 50 iterations of proposed rules. Those have not been listed here but are avialable upon request. A review will likely include some of the proposed modifications that were intitally rejected for whatever reason for consideration by the present committee.

Change Log - The change log is included at the begining of each proposal. This change log documents the changes inthe rules from the time when the last proposal was made by the former committee and the rules as they stand currently. As the reader should note, with the exception of fee increases, none of the changes were substantive.

For additonal questions, please contact the Golf Committee Chair.

Oct. 18, 2023