Please use the pull down menu to find all the necessary documentation.
Greens Fee Schedule (outdated) - This is part of the OCC Rules. Note that this includes all the rules for OCC. Some general golf related rules are found in the main portion of the OCC Rules, but most are found in Appendix B, also known as the OCC Golf Rules. This particular Fee Schedule dates prior to the recent fee increases. Specific amounts are not important for the revision process; organization and layout aare the concern.
Proposed Tee Time Protocols - This is the unofficial tee time and access rules for various membership categories. Not distributed to membership.
Current Play Chart - This is the official insert in the current golf rules to determine golfing privieges for each membership category. This is the documentation the club currently offers our members to provide golfing privilege information.
Booking by Class Changes - This spreadsheet outlines changes in tee time privileges for each categoy both current and proposed. Note that that each category is also separated by Weekday and Weekend tee time privileges.
Past Board Action Items - Includes five proposed action items which were submitted to the Board for consideration. The revisions were seperated into five sections and in order to facilitate easier adoption. None of these proposed action items were approved. The committee will discuss in greater detail.
Past Board Presentation Video - This video takes the viewer through a basic review of the proposed rule changes. Please note there were some minor errors in the presentation (though it may not be obvious from the video, the recording was made way too early in the morning). Also, this represents a snapshot in time as there were some other modications made to parts of the package of revisions but none relatively complicated or controversial.
For additonal questions, please contact the Golf Committee Chair.
Oct. 18, 2023