Junior Legacy Program

A membership program created to achieve some membership related purposes. However, an important feature of the program is to allow classes of members, with limited golfing privileges to pass, by virtue of their beneficiary particpating in the program, more golfing privileges thatn they themselves possess.

For instance, a recreational member is only allowed to golf once per moth. That member's beneficiary, by participating in Junior Legacy, will have same playing privileges as a regular member's beneficiaries.

By proposing the following provision:

With the exception of participating in limited golfing programs such as Junior Golf or other similar programs, for beneficiaries of members, members may only pass to those individuals golfing privileges that they themselves possess.

Note that this proposal does not require the elimination of the Junior Legacy program but only curtails the expansion of golf privileges to nonmembers.

For those beneficiaries participating in the program, the following proposal grandfathers in their participation:

Any member of the Junior Legacy program shall be allowed to continue in that program to fruition but future members of this program are subject to the dictates of these rules.

Note, following are the respective changes from the 2021 review to the current version of the Golf Rules:

(These are merely the changes that have been made to update the rules the club currently operates under, and does not reflect any of the proposed revisions.)

For additonal questions, please contact the Golf Committee Chair.

Oct. 18, 2023