Social Members limited Practice Are Usage
The initial iteration of the Golf Rules Revision Committee drafted the following provision to scale back usage of the practice area by Social Members:
Practice Facilities (including Driving Range):[Social Members] May only use these [practice] facilities the day of playing a round of golf.
The following provision was meant to grandfather in Social Members that previously had access, but only for a limited amount of time. The termination date was an arbitrary date, set at the time of drafting, which served to provide an arguably sufficient amount of notice to Social Members of the policy change.
Prior to the adoption of this section, any Social or Recreational member, or anyone gaining access by virtue of that member, possessing unlimited access to the club’s practice facilities may continue access to those facilities until September 1, 2021. After this date, any such access shall be dictated by the provisions concerning the member’s membership category.
The reasons and history concerning this proposal will be discussed in more detail at a meeting of the committee.
For additonal questions, please contact the Golf Committee Chair.
Oct. 18, 2023